Wednesday, January 9, 2008

PTA January Membership Campaign!

Did you make any New Year's resolutions for 2008? In addition to helping yourself by "getting fit" or "getting organized," you have a chance to make a powerful difference for children: Resolve to help parents be more involved through PTA. The January Membership Campaign, "New Year… New Opportunities" can assist you.

Unlike dieting rigorously or trying to quit a bad habit, PTA membership is easy to sustain and results are immediate—PTA membership can assist many Americans' in keeping their top resolutions. In a November 2007 survey conducted by Opinion Research Corporation:
Thirty-three percent of respondents chose making the world a better place as their top resolution for 2008.Thirty-two percent of those surveyed said spending more time with family would be their top resolution.

Membership in PTA achieves both of these goals.
PTA members spend quality time with family through family involvement activities at home and at school.
PTA members make the world a better place by improving education opportunities for all children.

The bottom line is that the resolutions of 65 percent of respondents can be easily fulfilled through PTA membership, an activity that is not difficult to sustain.

The "New Year… New Opportunities" campaign capitalizes on people's desire to be more productive and proactive in a new year. If you've made use of the online resources and campaign packet delivered in November and implemented a January recruitment plan, you should be experiencing the benefits of strengthening your PTA.
If you have not yet started, don't despair. As with many resolutions, it matters less when you begin and more how you follow through. Act now and you can still run a successful "New Year… New Opportunities" campaign.

Tools are available online, including:
Attention-getting handout cards designed to make parents think about the resolutions they've made for 2008.
Customizable fliers to alert families and community members about PTA's benefits—and that it's not too late to join!
Door hangs to invite your entire community to join PTA.
Fun stickers to start conversations about involvement and PTA.

Go to for these and other great resources.

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